Your Wood Heating Association
advancing certified & sustainable solutions for a cleaner future
Wood Heating Advantage
Our Purpose
AHHA’s mission is to protect and advance home heating across Australia, ensuring reliable information and access to certified and sustainable heating solutions for members and the community. As an environmentally friendly, cost effective, and safe source of heating, AHHA endorses certified wood fueled heaters, providing access to service providers you know you can trust.
Sustainable warmth for a cleaner future.
How Modern EPA Compliant Heaters Work

Is Your Wood Heater Certified?
If your wood heater was installed prior to 8th August, 2019, it may not be compliant.
We’re working towards a greener and safer future and need your help – check your heater is compliant today.
AHHA Certified Installer Program
The program for solid fuel heating installers is an online course created to foster safety, compliance, and excellence in wood heating across Australia. Designed in partnership between AHHA and Pointsbuild, the program covers:
- Professional industry practices & WHS
- Australian standards & flue design
- Installation commissioning & maintenance
- Instructional videos on best practice installation
Membership Program
As Australia’s premier wood heating association, AHHA empowers industry members through advocacy, certification, and reliable information whilst prioritising the best interests of the Australian community.
Wood Heating Information
How you heat your home is important. To ensure you choose the most efficient wood heater, it’s essential to consider the size, layout, and insulation of your home.
AHHA provides all the information you need to make an informed decision when it comes to warming your home with the world’s most eco-friendly fuel source – wood.
Industry News, Insight, & Updates
Keep up to date on legislation and all things wood and heating.
Why banning wood heaters won’t solve Queanbeyan’s air quality issues
At the Australian Home Heating Association, we understand the importance of clean…
Keep your family warm, but more importantly, safe.
Ensuring that your wood heater is installed by a qualified and skilled…
A Step In The Right Direction
On June 26, the Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2024 was passed,…